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Hikawa-sensei Wants An Otaku Boyfriend [Vol 1 Chapter 1]

Chapter 1 


I believe that there are many things that human beings cannot achieve by mere effort alone.

No matter how hard you try, there are barriers that are impossible to cross.

Many call it many things, but for me it is defined in one word, and it's called "Talent". 

If I could express it in simpler words, I would say that there are things that each person is capable of doing and not.

So, for an ordinary person like me, who has no talent, the most important thing in life is to know what "I can't do". That way, I think I can focus on what I can do and use my time efficiently by concentrating on that.

Because time is limited.

That's why I don't spend my time doing things "I can't do". Instead, I invest my time in things that can be enjoyed.

I think that's a pretty smart way to live.

With all that I have just said, I hope I am not seen as someone who judges others, I also admire people who can do things that I can't do. With all that I have said so far, what I really want to say is....

"I wish I had a girlfriend..."

It was only a week until freshmen spring break started.

I was pushing my bike up a steep hill. When I spotted a couple riding a bike up the hill, they were going so fast it looked like they were riding an electric bike In the blink of an eye they were out of my sight.

I know it's impossible for me to ride a bike like that, I know, but ... I envy them so much, I see them and envy them, but I know that having a girlfriend is something that is practically impossible for me.

Because, if I can name my qualities in a list, they would be:



Name: Takuya Kirishima

Occupation: Student

Appearance: Slightly brown hair (from birth)

Height: Slightly taller than average

Job: Otaku


Besides that I was born with a debuff, but my look is kind of a gangster.

In short, I look like the classic extra found in any manga.

And there's only one way they treat a guy like me.

In classes and breaks, I always find myself wandering around alone, and when it comes to classes where pairing up is needed, I'm left without a partner.

When I walk through the neighborhood and make eye contact with a little boy, he cries.

Such is the case, that since I started living in this city, I was forced to wear a cursed outfit.

In such a state, it is impossible to approach NPC without them running away like a demon, and in such a way, there is no way I can continue the mission of establishing relationships as far as I would like to. Naturally, getting a girlfriend is an S-Class mission.

Getting along with someone, is of course another unfeasible task as long as you can't establish a relationship. This refers to an attack or object that causes it to reduce some of a player's characteristics. For example, we can mention some attack that leaves the player poisoned or burned.

NPC are those game characters that only fulfill some functions in the game, but which you cannot control.

A conversation that of course is very complicated to occur.

So, according to all my data, the smartest thing to do is to give up the dream of getting a girlfriend and concentrate on doing what I can do.

But if I'm honest with myself, I would like to have a girlfriend. It would be beautiful, if I could define my ideal girlfriend, she would be pretty and share her otaku hobbies with me.

After school, we would go to the anime store and tell each other novel recommendations. Holidays, weekends and days when there are no classes would be days when we would go to each other's house to watch anime together and on vacations we would go on a pilgrimage to a faraway place.

But well, I have in mind that this is just a dream that can not be fulfilled.

Still, I wish a pretty girl would be my girlfriend ... I've spent so many nights thinking about it. So many fantasies every night under the sheets, imagining a beautiful girl in my bed.

However, they are only dreams. Today as usual, I'm riding my bike to buy a new novel that comes out today.

When the thought of having a girlfriend crossed my mind again.....

"...No, I know it's because of my looks that I can't have a girlfriend, but it's just that I also have no idea how to have one if I looked good, I should try a little harder."

If you think you want one, you should try a little harder.

But it can't be helped. I've been fidgeting like this since last night because I was so anxious about this new novel. And so I remembered my mantra, "the most important thing to remember is that you can't do it, so it's useless to try."


It was in the middle of a residential area with a steep slope and there I could appreciate it well, to Keika. Where I had a panoramic view of the city.

Keika is located a few tens of minutes away from Yokohama Station. There are no great qualities to mention about it, but if I had to mention one, it is that it has too many hills. Also, even though it is in Yokohama, you can't see the sea in the slightest.

I was already getting too tired on my bike, but at least I was getting to the top, so I straddled my bike as I took in the view of the hills. After ten minutes I was finally down the hill and had managed to buy my new novel.

They said it was likely to rain a lot from this time on, so I should get home quickly.

I want to read this novel as soon as possible.

I hurried back to the bookstore's bike rack, when I heard a sound of bags.

I was stunned to see that person.

It was a girl carrying several paper bags as she walked up the stairs.

And not only were there a lot of them, they were carrying several on each arm.

Plus the logo on the paper bag she was carrying had the logo of the bookstore she just went to....

So, could it be that those are all books? But that's not the only reason for my amazement, my real reason for amazement is that she was the cutest girl I've ever seen.

In terms of looks, she's about the same age as me or maybe a year older.

She had gentle eyes and hair in a beautiful shiny black shade.

Maybe it's because she was carrying a heavy load, but her gaze moves slightly downward, and that makes her hair tousle and wave all over the place.

Her face was hidden by her tousled hair. However, the profile that one gets to see through the gaps in her beautiful black hair was beautiful. The part of her bosom was so voluminous that it could be seen even above her clothes and her blouse possessed seductive curves that gave her a sex appeal. The skirt was of a gentle, pale shade, which gave an impression of neatness and serenity.

...What an incredibly beautiful woman. If I could date a woman like her, I'm sure my days would be a lot of fun. Of course, I know it's absolutely impossible. She walks slowly because of the weight of the bags, tries to climb slowly and surely, but....

"Will she really be okay?"

If you stuff that many books into such a thin paper bag, it will break, won't it? Only once did I buy so many books that I had to use a paper bag, but even then, the bag broke.

And when I thought about it.....

"Crak, crak."

Indeed, the paper bags, they tore, making a loud sound.

At the same time, several books fell to the floor, rolling down the stairs to the sidewalk. But that wasn't all.

A passerby looking like a businessman appeared in front of the sidewalk with headphones in his ears.

The man looked down at the sidewalk and gave the girl a glance, but just ignored her and the books, causing him to almost step on the books.

The girl looks at the situation, but it's almost impossible for her to get there in time due to the distance.


The only thing I notice is that for a brief moment the girl's face becomes distorted.

And suddenly.....

I find myself on the move. I drop my books on the floor and run, to pick up her books just in time.

However, I almost trip over the businessman, who looks at me while clicking his tongue.

He was glaring at me. But as soon as he catches a glimpse of my face, he quickly turns away.

I'm used to being scared, so I don't mind too much. But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me ... I wonder if it's true that I'm that scary?

"I'm sorry, thank you very much."

"No, don't worry, I didn't do anything great."

"That's not true, I thank you very much for your help. Thank you."

As I walked down the stairs, the girl bowed several times.

When she looked up, her expression was one of obvious relief. She is relieved. I was overjoyed to see the girl's relieved face.

"Oh, I'll help you pick up the others too."

"No, you don't have to go that far."

"Oh, don't worry. I just want to help."

When I respond to that with the best smile I can give, I duck my head and start picking up the other books ... ah, they're dirty with dirt.

As I picked up the books, the titles caught my eye.

All the books that had fallen out, were reference books for college entrance exams. Is it possible that she is a Senpai? If she is buying reference books for college entrance exams this spring, she could be a Senpai.

When I finished picking up the books, I handed them to her, a Senpai.

"Thank you, I appreciate it very much."

Relieved, she exhales a breath of air.

Which makes her lips take on a provocative, soft appearance.

Which makes her a little hard to look at.

I hurriedly looked away and a paper bag appeared in my line of sight.

The book, which I just quickly put away, had an illustration of a cute girl with her legs spread in an M-shape, where you could clearly see everything.

The cover was a little bent, probably from the speed with which it was put away again.

The woman in the center of the cover looked quite familiar, or rather I fully knew who she was, it was an illustration from a novel I know all too well.


"Um, that's...!"

I can't believe it, but I'm sure I saw the illustrations and they were what I think they are.

I understand not wanting other people to see the novel you're reading. And it's because it takes a lot of courage to show the novel you're reading to other people, but if it's another otaku person, chances are it's totally fine.

"That's, that's...!"

Out of grief, she hid the paper bag behind her, her cheeks flushed.

I have so nervous that I've already forgotten to use honorifics.

And I began to look around as I continued to say.

"Um, that's...!"

"Oh, um ... this is my grandfather's, he told me to buy it!"

"Your grandfather asked you to buy him isekai erotic novels where the protagonist gets a harem?"

"Y-Yes, t-that's right!"

To my astonishment, the Senpai nodded her head.

"W-Well, it's just that l-lately he's been strangely addicted to it! The other day at the hospital, he was saying "I'm looking forward to being born in a new world!" He also said, "I wonder why it's so long-delayed to be reborn in another world?""

"That doesn't make much sense."

"Plus, he suddenly started researching how to cultivate his energy!"

"It's obvious you're trying to trick me!"

"U-Um, erm ... you overreacted too much, do you?"

She said this as her eyes took on the air of a dead fish.

"Ah, what happened to you all of a sudden?"

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this farce, the truth is I bought this book for myself, won't you laugh about it?"

She said it while sketching a fake bitter smile.

I can tell she's too mentally weak, but I feel pretty bad for making her lie.

So I hastened to answer her question.

"No, I won't laugh. I have all the volumes of that novel too. I don't know how to say it certainly, but it's a very good series, isn't it?"

"Eh?! I thought you would laugh, but do you read these kinds of novels too?!"

"Yes, I read it ... I'm an Otaku too. I read that kind of works quite a lot, so you don't need to hide it. Haha."

Hearing those words she smiled in relief.

I'm not sure why I just said that, but I'm glad she could smile relieved, her smile makes my heart flutter.

Damn, she's so beautiful. So cute.

Suddenly, I wonder something....

"After what happened, are you sure you can carry all those books? Will you be able to carry it well now?"

"Um ... I think I'll be fine. I live near Keihanamachi Station. I'm pretty muscular, you know?"


"You doubt me? It's true, look at me, I'm surprisingly strong, see?"

The Senpai struck a powerful pose while showing off her muscles. But her arms were so delicate that everything she tried only made her look adorable.

Hey, but isn't Keihanamachi Station near my house? If you're going to that area you'll definitely have to climb that steep hill nearby.

And with that many books, no matter how you look at it, it's a lot for one girl.

I'm afraid to ask, but I don't see any other option.

"...Well, if you want, can I help you carry them? You live in the same station as me, and besides, I have a bike."

"Eh? To be honest, I appreciate it ... but you don't have to go that far."

"It's okay. Well, you know, I'm not busy..."


At that moment, the sky suddenly flickers causing Senpai's body to tremble in surprise.

Then, after a rather long pause, a clap of thunder is heard.

"Oh, well, it's going to rain..."

The weather forecast said the rain would start a few hours later, but perhaps it has been brought forward.

So I can't stay here too long at the risk of getting my books wet.

After showing a slight hesitation, while still somehow showing an expression of discomfort on her face, Senpai says hesitantly.

"Um ... can I still count on your help?"

"Okay, can I?"

I say as I ask her to pass me some of her books.

A few minutes later, we were walking towards Keihanamachi station.

We had entered the bookstore to replace the torn paper bags.

I put the books in the bicycle basket and as we rode up the harrowing hill together.

...Strange, this girl doesn't seem to be afraid of me at all.

I looked beside her, but she just looked around with a smile of amusement.

Personally I think it's a refreshing feeling.

"...By the way, what other novels are you reading?"

I was certainly having a good time with her, but a situation like this where we were so quiet is really awkward, so I'm thankful that we could talk about something, even if it was just about novels.

"I tend to read romantic comedies mostly and teenage stories. For example, I've been reading, Seishun Wa buta, Jaku-Chara, Oregairu, Eromanga-sensei, o and..."

When I looked to my side, I met Senpai's eyes.

I can't help it, I'm not used to talking to people, to top it off, she's my Senpai and she's super cute. It was only a matter of time before an otaku like me would freeze in this situation.

It's really hard for me to make eye contact and hold a conversation.

Without showing any concern, the girl flashes a cheerful smile.


"I've read all the novels you just said! They're all exceptionally good, but ... Áo Butaá as they progressed made me laugh more and more and filled me with emotion! I cried a lot at the train part!"


"Ah, no, I don't cry all the time. But it's just that as the story progresses, I get more involved with the characters ... haha. It's weird, isn't it?"

"No, it's quite the opposite!!! I cried when I read that part about the train too!!!! Besides, it was set near Enoshima, so I couldn't help but go there!"

"Oh, I did too! It's so much fun to walk around thinking you might run into the people out there!"

"By the way, who do you like? I'm already in the Senpai's."

"I'm not sure, but if I had to take a chance, I'd say Rio or Kouhai-chan."

"Ah, those two are the best!"

I don't know why the girls in those novels are so cute.

If there were girls that pretty in reality, I would work hard to be worthy of them.


While I was in my fantasy world, the Senpai suddenly let out a small laugh.

What on earth?

I was so happy to see her laugh, but I didn't know what was going on.

"It was funny ... It's weird, isn't it?"

"No, I feel the same way ... and, you know? I also enjoy talking about novels a lot."

The most important thing is to make the best use of the time, and I was certainly doing that.

"Well, let's talk a little more about the novels."

"Yes, of course."

Smiling, I nodded.

Then, we started talking about novels.

After about ten minutes, we had hit it off pretty well.

From one moment to the next, we stopped using honorifics, we seemed to have become strangely friendly.

I was happy.


I'm surprise.

Before I knew it, we had already gone over the hill. We were already close to my house. If possible, I would like to take her home ... but taking home a complete stranger she just met would be scary. After all, my appearance is to be feared.

After some hesitation, I tell her straight out.

"I don't know if you want me to help you carry the books to your house, but actually my house is a bit further from that traffic light."

"...My house is also near that traffic light."

Surprised, I look at Senpai.


Really? I can't believe we were neighbors. I didn't know such things will happen.

Although nowadays, it's not uncommon for people to not know who lives next door to them, so it's no wonder I didn't know about her.

Most likely we never met because we go to school at different times.

Before we knew it, we arrived at the building.

"I'm so sorry. Thank you so much. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it on my own, so you've been a big help."

"No worries. We were on the same path after all."

But since we've arrived ... is this the end of my talk with Senpai?

As soon as I thought of that, my heart ached.

I'm a loner in school. I don't even have friends outside of it, let alone otaku friends to talk to, so this is my first time talking about novels.

I've never talked so much about novels before.

So I wanted to talk a little more with Senpai, also hang out with her more because she's so beautiful, even if this is just my selfishness.

I was hoping we could exchange contact information. But I guess it's impossible.

To my Senpai, I'm just a simple stranger after all.

We don't even go to the same school.

I don't know if I can ever meet her again.

And so as the goodbye atmosphere flowed between us.

"Oh, um..."


Suddenly, Senpai began to mutter, her cheeks reddening.

Then, she looked at me.

What's the matter? When I was thinking about that, Senpai said.

"I don't have a friend I can talk to about novels and things like that. I was wondering if I could talk to you?"

Eh? I was surprised as Senpai played with the tip of his black hair.

"So, you know, talk some more ... It's just that you've helped me a lot today! So I'd like to thank you next time! Can we exchange contact information!? Of course if you don't mind!"

At that comment, I was speechless.

Eh? Huh? What the hell is going on? I have no idea, but of course I wouldn't turn her down, I have no reason to.

"N-No problem."

Senpai immediately took out her phone and opened the screen on the QR code.

We did it, exchanged information.

On my phone, I saw Senpai's Line account. I'm not sure if she's using a different name, but when I asked her, she tells me that's it is her real name.

"Well, then ... I'll contact you later."

"A-Ah, yes."

"Then, see you later, Kirishima-kun."

"See you later."

It's still hard for me to believe it, it seems so unreal.

I pinch my cheek to see if it's real, and as it should be, I feel the pain. And there I fly to see her, the name of her account on Line is "Hikawa Mashiro", the name I will never forget. And never forgot it.


TL: Diego